WE ARE GETTING CLOSER! We are so happy that another day is almost behind us. Our precious lil' Miss Sassafras is just conquering daddy with her bubbly self and love and hugs. She will now "Share the Love" as Luke does and blow kisses. I have been unable to get her to tell people to "Put the kiss in their pocket and save it for later".... maybe another few days?
The Consulate Swearing In was more like an informational type deal. We were dressed up as we felt that we owed that respect to our new daughter and her birth country. Also we are representing our family and the GOOD OLE' US of A. We got to the consulate and I saw the sign that said US CONSULATE 5th floor and it had an American Flag on it. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Tears welled in my eyes and I just wanted to get the ceremony done and get HOME. If we could have we would have left the Consulate and headed straight to the airport leaving all the 'stuff' behind. I truly wish that many could experience what we have here. Things are not all chipper and cheery in America (NEWSFLASH anyone?) but this experience has been so enlightening in many ways. (NOT GETTING INTO POLITICS HERE) Just stating that a reality check is often what we need and believe me reality has been wild here. Anyway we basically promised that all the information that we submitted was right. (We did not have to promise not to beat her like I had to write on GOTCHA DAY ---yes completely write out). I am not going to beat her and I just tear up thinking about the people that would do that to their child but we won't go there. In fact I hate to think of what I would do to the person who would lay a hand on her or Luke for that matter.
Heading to dinner. We have a little girl who is acting like she has had five pieces of pure sugar birthday cake. Daddy has his hands full.
Outside the Consulate.
Maran's Consulate Day Dress
Internet finding us out I think as it won't let me spell check so sorry..ONCE AGAIN posting without checking...you guys are used to that aren't you? HA HA.
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