Close to Forbidden City. Tiananmen Square...sorry can't spell that or check it.. not enough time!
In honor of our Duckie... Happy Birthday Beautiful !!
Great Wall Western View... yes our legs are sore...well mine are. David is in shape!
Mr. David on the Wall. He was great at climbing. My camera took a dive.
Bird's Nest. David was in ARCHITECTURE HEAVEN. It was cool. BEIJING Olympics 2008
The Water Cube. (looked like a huge blister to me..David did not appreciate my description).
HA HA! It was incredible. We did A LOT of it.. both Eastern and Western side. We liked the Eastern Side better. It was WAY STEEPER but prettier. Some steps were so steep you had to literally pull your leg up. It was FAR WORSE coming down. I stopped and looked at David and said "You know we have to be able to carry our daughter or at least walk to get her". It was an amazing experience. One that was not on my bucket list but I entered it on the list "after the fact". You can do that right? We went to bed at 7:30 pm and up at 3:30 am. Amazing what sleep can do for you. We are waiting on our driver to take us to the airport. We are flying into Guangzhou. CLOSER TO OUR MARAN! We have to be there by noon today... not sure why. We meet other travelers tonight at Lucy's for dinner. We are excited. Toured yesterday with the Jenson's. BEAUTIFUL family. It was helpful being with their lovely children... and they are truly lovely. Very well behaved and as adorable as ever. The blonde daughters get photographed everywhere. OK here are some pics. Will try to blog more later...and Jennifer if you read this e mail me at my e mail address please. (again sorry for typos and grammatical errors). Off to Airport!!
Good for you with the Great Wall. I didn't even attempt doing too much of it. We were so tired and just didn't have the energy. Looking forward to all of your pictures. Blessings
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