Our Greatest BLESSINGS Call Us Mommy & Daddy

16 March 2011

Maran is SO HAPPY about Mommy's Birthday

Lil' Miss Sassy was SO HAPPY last night about today being my birthday that she HAD to sleep with a birthday card that came in the mail for me. 

I was wondering WHEN she would wake this morning and finally she did.  I walked past her room and she was looking out of her canopy tent and she had the card in her hand.  She immediately jumped up and said "YOUR CARD, YOUR CARD... we can open it now.  I had fun getting it for you". 

I asked her when she got the card and she said that she went to the store and picked it out for me.  When I asked her about mailing it she couldn't explain that part (the card was actually from my sister-in-law Mary who by the way never misses any birthday or holiday card being sent which I think is a GREAT quality).  Here's to guessing that Daddy took Lil' missy to the card store.  How cute it is. 


Jennifer said...

happy birthday friend:)

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