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26 July 2011

Luke's Gotcha Day.... Four Years Later!!!

Four years ago today our son was placed in David's arms in Guatemala City, Guatemala. So many STRONG memories come with today. The fact that our "IMMEDIATE" family began on this day and that my sister has been living with full blown MS for four years. (She had a HORRIBLE BOUT with MS when we were in Guatemala... add to that the fact that David was VERY SICK with the flu and it was a real eventful time). Our precious child has grown into such a little man. We received a VERY timid and shy little boy who was so serious about everything. He cried when his caretaker left him with us. Now he cries if we leave him (not all the time but still quite often). What a journey we have had. What a joy it has been to watch him grow into the outgoing gregarious toddler his is. He has brought us many many moments of joy and much laughter. He has consoled us when we needed it and has given to us countless hugs and kisses that could literally mend the world. All that in what WAS a little 12 pound 10 month old whom we named LOUIS GRAYSON GIESER and lovingly refer to as "LUKE"... our precious son. Happy Gotcha Day!!


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