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21 January 2011

I get paid back for getting a BREAK

So I go on a business trip to Italy. Sounds great right? Well it should but I truly got what I guess I deserved because I was more than ready to get the heck outta dodge. In fact I probably would have walked to the airport if I had to. Guess it comes down to this.....I am NOT the mommy I thought I would be. Not sure if it is good or bad. Ask Maran. Her typical reply to all is "no". So my visions of a June Clever home have all but vanished and Roseanne is the only thing that pops through my pea brained head. My children are gorgeous. They don't look like me or their daddy at all for that matter. At times they just don't want to get along with David and I. When they want they can be quite a team of 'ganging up on ma and pa'.  However, when it comes time to acting nice at Bruegger's it is such a far fetched idea that you would think that two kids never once behaved before in their life.  At times I think they would like it better if we were gone. Quite honestly we have thought about running but where would we go? I never knew kids could fight over a cheerio that had fallen to the floor and was covered with 2 inches of dog fur. Had my mother ever told me that I would have known that she was certifiable crazy. Is it that big of a deal that a sippy cup falls and is picked up and RETURNED by the other sibling? On Folger Drive it is. OK so why am I getting paid back? Because as visions of sugarplums danced through my head last month visions of VINO danced through mine this month. There is no better place than Italy for wine. Sorry California but the truth may indeed stink. First and foremost I  am in Italy on business. I love that most of my business is done around a glass of vino. In fact wine is cheaper than water in Italy. This day and time we are to be cautious which means that I  drink the wine and save money. After all the euro is still kicking the dollars you know what. 

Departure from Charlotte....OK.  Departure from Chicago -- NOT OK.  Just a little late. 

Arrive in Italy... OK

Rental Car counter....OK

Getting onto the A4...OK

Getting pulled by the Italian police... NOT OK.  So they come up beside us and tell us to get over so we do... we were going about 110 MPH on the A4 as there is no speed limit (at least in the area we were).  They are holding a red stick out the car window that looks like an oversized lollipop that says on it "STOP".  So we get pulled over... I get out to try to circumvent what may be about to happen which I had no clue of what it was but after no sleep I knew I would handle this better than my boss.  Turns out the hood of the car was open and so we were pulled.  I appreciate that since going SO FAST and having the hood fly open would have NOT been a pretty sight. 

Business in Italy is handled fine. 

Dinners in Italy... as good as always.  Calories here are like CHRISTMAS CALORIES...they don't count.

Return flight.... what should have taken 9 hours took over 29.  DE-JA-VOUS?? CHINA TRAVEL ANYONE?  Therefore I am paid back for actually wanting to leave and get a small break.  I deserve it.  It was nasty of me to want to get away... after all who flies to Italy on a Thursday... lands on a Friday.... does their business on a Saturday and Sunday and leaves on Monday?  That is like a long weekend in Hawaii from the East Coast... REALLY?  Well, that is how I do business. I go there, get it done and come back.  Before the thought of  she 'lives the life of luxury and gets to go so many places' please know that I have been to ITALY 19 times and NEVER ONCE have I been to Florence or Rome.  Sound like a complaint?  Well it kind of is but I can tell you all about the worlds best place (that I have been to thus far) and it is VERONA, ITALY.  If I never get to Florence or Rome it is fine as I can not imagine that any place could ever top the quaint and quite lovely Verona. 

I am now going to watch HOARDERS so that I can feel better about myself and possibly a Roseanne Re-run so that I can  feel better about my parenting skills or better yet lack thereof.  

Not all days are lollipops and swingsets.  Now off to do laundry.. HOARDERS is not on.  Shucks......


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