Our Greatest BLESSINGS Call Us Mommy & Daddy

15 September 2010

SO CLOSE --yet so far away!

OK to think that I am SO CLOSE to Maran right now is scary.  During my long flight I thought about hopping over to the orphanage and just picking her up along with her BFF Alice who will live in Alabama when her forever family gets her.  Believe me..... I pondered this thought VERY HARD.  After all when you are on a flight for so long and delayed in an airport for 6 hours many things run through your mind.  Since I have dropped a few pounds I figure I can run faster but with two little girls in tow I am not sure.  Guess I will remain patient and wave as I fly near and just say  "I will be back in hopefully a few weeks for you".  We've played it by the book so far so why get silly stupid now?  I am sure the Chinese jail serves Pigs Feet... something I don't like looking at when they are alive let alone dead. 


Jennifer said...

hilarious!! Not much longer...at least that's what I'm telling myself...I have been dealing with NVC for 2 days and have gotten nowhere so far....NOT MUCH LONGER:)

Alison said...

You are so funny! Love this! I know it can't be much longer til you get to bring your sweet baby girl home!!

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