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11 October 2010

Packing -- or TRYING TO!

On the bed are the items that have made what I believe to be the 'FINAL CUT'.  We were supposed to have our packing done yesterday but it didn't happen.  We still had some clean up to do from Snickerdoodle Luke's Birthday bash. 
These are the toys that have made the cut.... except the digital camera is not in the picture for some reason.  Yes, I know the Huggies are not a toy.  We are prepared for some slight regression on the potty issue.  Since we are prepared we won't need any we are sure.  (HOPE SO).  

The "GIFTS" that we are to take for the 'AUNTIES' or caretakers has been nothing short of a small nightmare.  I know everyone says that you shouldn't sweat over it but we have had a tough time.  I found the CUTEST candles at Bath & Body Works... bought them, hauled them all over the mall, got them home and then found out that "CANDLES ARE CONSIDERED BAD LUCK IN CHINA".  OK, so then we read about Ginseng Tea and Jelly Belly Jelly beans.  I drop Mr. Luke off this am at playschool (after allowing him to sleep in) and head to Trader Joe's.  Thankfully they had prepacked Jelly Belly Jelly Beans and some other neat "MADE IN AMERICA" candies that won't melt in our journey.  Then I headed to Target and bought all the Ginseng Tea that they had.  OK so after I was questioned about the tea and after a 30 minute adoption conversation with a group that started with one lady and ended up with about eight people I left the building.  Yes, Elvis was gone.  Went to the dry cleaners to return a money clip that I found in their parking lot early Saturday am but had put it in my pocket while putting Luke in his car seat.  I meant to run it to the door and give it to them after buckling Luke but when I got home it was still in my pocket.  (I was in a slight hurry since the party was going to start in a few hours).  So, MR. RLH initials your money clip and ALL YOUR MONEY that was in it is back at the dry cleaners where you conveniently dropped it Saturday am.  Now I am at work and trying to get it all "BUTTONED" up.  It used to drive me crazy when people would say "I have to button up things before I leave".  However, that is clearly what I am doing now..... well, not at this second.  Still have a lot to do.  It will get done or not.  I am now feeling guilty about not taking the Snickerdoodle with us.  I know it is the right decision to leave him at home so we can bond and get to know Maran but I also see both sides of the story regarding taking him or leaving him.  We will make it through I know.  Off to get some work done so I don't leave my co-workers with a disaster!!! 


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